Project Sources

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Project sources are the Geo Data sets that can be used by (geo) plugins to generate and build up a project in the Tygron Platform. Project Sources are stored as Sources in your project. Furthermore, all the additional data users import into a project are tagged with new Source as well.

Default sources

The table below contains the datasets that are automatically accessed, depending on the selected location, to create a new project. When selecting a location outside The Netherlands it is more likely that some Geo Data should be provided manually, which can done using a Template Project with one or more Geo Plugins.

(Open) Dataset Description Coverage (Connection) Source More information
BGT Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie: Base Register containining the topography of the Netherlands. The dataset is very detailed and contains for instance roads, parks, trees, water surfaces and street objects. Netherlands PDOK;
BAG Basisregistraties Adressen en Gebouwen: Base Register containing data about buildings and addresses such as function, construction year, size and the geometry of the buildings. Netherlands. PDOK
BRO Basisregistratie Ondergrond: Base Register containing detailed subsurface data. Netherlands PDOK
World Imagery Satellite map used as base map for the height map in the 3D Visualization and used to identify rooftop colors. Worldwide ESRI
Ocean Basemap Basemap with ocean data, including locations of water bodies and their names. Used to determine the location of water bodies worldwide. Worldwide ESRI
Terrain Digital Terrain Model (DTM): the terrain height of the bare ground without for example buildings, trees and other objects. See for more information the elevation model page. Worldwide ESRI
AHN Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland. By default AHN4 is used. We use the Digital Surface Model (DSM, the terrain height including buildings, trees and other objects) and the Digital Terrain Model (DTM, the terrain height of the bare ground) combined with the Terrain data above. For more information, see elevation model. Netherlands Nationaal Georegister
CBS Wijk- en Buurtkaart The CBS Wijk- en Buurtkaart (2017) contains the geometry of the division in neighborhoods and statistical data related to those neighborhoods. Netherlands PDOK
Ruimtelijke plannen Ruimtelijke plannen are the offical published spatial plans/zoning plans. Netherlands Ruimtelijke Plannen
Top10NL Topographical dataset, used as an addition to the BGT data. Netherlands Tygron / PDOK
NWB The Nationaal Wegen Bestand is a dataset with the (name of) public roads in the Netherlands. Netherlands PDOK
NSL The NSL (Nationaal Samenwerkingsprogramma Luchtkwaliteit) contains data delivered by municipalities from their traffic models. For instance data such as road type, the tree factor, number of lanes, direction of traffic and traffic speed. Netherlands Rijksoverheid
See also: Traffic Plugin
INWEVA The INWEVA 2020 data contains traffic intensity data for highways. Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat
See also: Traffic Plugin
Infomil The infomil excel contains a calculation model to estimate traffic intensities for roads, based on the type of road, nearby parking and bicycle paths and urbanization degree. This excel has been converted into a lookup table in the Tygron Platform. Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat
See also: Traffic Plugin
Infrarood The 2016 WMS Infrarood is a layer from the aerial photography WMS from PDOK, and is used as example in the Demo Heat Stress Project. Netherlands PDOK
See also: Demo Heat Stress Project
BRP Gewaspercelen Basisregistratie Gewaspercelen: contains the location of agricultural land and the cultivated crops. Netherlands Nationaal Georegister
BRK - Kadastrale Kaart Basisregistratie Kadaster. In the Tygron Platform the Kadastrale kaart is used to determine the location of parcels. Netherlands Nationaal Georegister
Risicokaart This dataset shows the risks in a neighborhood, for example, by showing hazardous- and / or nuisance buildings (for example LPG station) and cables and pipes. Also contains additional information on vulnerable buildings (hotels, hospital, school, etc.). Netherlands
OSM OpenStreetMap; this dataset contains the topography of the world and attribute information. Worldwide Own instance of Overpass API
Waterschapsdata Several datasets from Water Authorities conforming to the Information Model Water (Informatiemodel water), including hydraulic structures and water-level areas. Netherlands - dataset does not cover the whole of the Netherlands yet. Copy of PDOK dataset
3D Bag A dataset of 3D models covering the Netherlands, created by the 3D Geoinformation research group, Department of Urbanism at the Delft University of Technology. Netherlands 3D BAG
Energy label data A dataset of most recently known energy labels per address in The Netherlands. Netherlands EP-online
Timezone data A dataset of time zones which is used to determine a project's time zone. World

More information on which sources are used

For more information on which project sources are actually used for the project, take a look at the following overviews in the editor: