Order of calculations (Water Overlay)
Revision as of 11:44, 10 July 2020 by Frank@tygron.nl (talk | contribs)
During the calculation, multiple facets have to be calculated. In each timestep, each aspect of the calculation has to be performed. Although as timesteps become smaller, the exact order of operation becomes less important, the order of operations can lead to specific behavioral details in some uncommon situations.
Calculations are performed in the following order:
- Horizontal surface flow and horizontal underground flow
- Rain
- Building storage
- Sewer inflow
- Surface evaporation
- Groundwater evaporation (saturated zone)
- Groundwater evaporation (unsaturated zone)
- Underground infiltration
- Surface infiltration
- Underground seepage
- Exfiltration
- Hydrological constructions (culverts, weirs, pumps, in- and outlets)
- Hydrological areas (sewer overflow, breach in- and outflow)
- Chemical movement, based on the water flow and infiltration which has occurred