How to create an overlay for visualizing your own geographical vector information

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You can visualize vector data as an overlay in your project using an Average Overlay. To do so, upload your data as Areas with an Attribute indicating what the polygon represents. Each Area has an Attribute the value of which identifies which of the areas should be shown in the same color. Then set the colors for those areas to recognizable colors, based on what the value of their attribute is. Finally, add those areas to an overlay to visualize them.

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Areas (Ribbon bar) → Import geo data (Dropdown)
How to create an overlay for visualizing your own geographical vector information:
  1. Prepare your data. Ensure all features in the file have an Attribute with a name for each resulting Area, as well as an Attribute with a differentiating value.
  2. Open the Geo Import Wizard, and follow the steps to load the data in as Areas.
  3. Add an Average Overlay.
  4. Set the input layer to the specific layer "AREAS".
  5. Set the averaging distance to 0.
  6. Set the Attribute to average to the Attribute which has the relevant differentiating value.
  7. If necessary, recalculate the Session.


  • To adjust the colors of the resulting Overlay, edit the Legend of the Overlay. The colors of the Areas themselves are not used.
  • The differentiating value in the Areas can either be a numerical value (such as amount of inhabitants), or a Nominal value (such as representing inhabitant typologies)

See also