Upgrade Type

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During a Planning Session in the Tygron Platform, Buildings can be upgraded using Upgrade Types, provided an upgrade definition exists within that Upgrade Type which applies to that building's function. Upgrades can be used to improve the building to a related function, or to change the building to a completely different function category.

When a building is upgraded, it is effectively demolished and replaced with a different building, without the demolition taking place as a separate step. An upgrade can also be applied to a sub-section of a building. A user in a session will see the building change directly from one function to another. The new building retains certain properties of the old building, such as location or ownership. The most significant difference between the old and the new building is its function.

Another difference that can occur is a change in the amount of floors a building sections have. If the building has more or fewer floors than allowed by the new function, the amount of floors is increased or decreased to match the new function's allowed amount of floors.

What building Functions can be upgraded to other Functions is managed using Upgrade Pairs, defined in the Upgrade Type.

Kinds of upgrades

The upgrade types already present in the Tygron Platform can be roughly categorized into two types: improvements and transformations. These are not defined by settings as such, but help when creating an overview of existing upgrade types. When creating your own upgrade types, you can keep in mind that upgrades can improve a building, or change a building.


Improvements retain the essential basis of the function's intent, but make it better in some respect. For example: a warehouse, upgraded with green roofs, is still a warehouse, but will be better for the water storage and livability of an area. The following improvement upgrades exist in the Tygron Platform:

  • Gardens → Water tanks
  • Parkinglots → Water-permeable
  • Roads → U-Gutter
  • Roads → High kerbstones
  • Roads → Water-permeable
  • Roads → Plant trees
  • Roads → Roads with Floodgates (sideway)
  • Roads → Roads with Floodgates (blockades, right)
  • Roads → Roads with Floodgates (blockades, left)
  • Roads → Roads with Floodgates (blockades, south)
  • Roads → Roads with Storm surge wall
  • Roads → Covered Roads
  • Roads → Covered Roads with nature
  • Buildings → Entrance Floodgates
  • Flat roof → Water roods
  • Flat roof → Green roofs
  • Flat roof → Roofgardens
  • Solar Panels
  • Houses → Renovate


Transformations change the basis of the function's intent, possibly by changing the category of the function. For example, an office building can be upgraded to be an apartment complex. The following transformative upgrades exist in the Tygron Platform:

  • Offices → Apartments
  • Offices → Shops

Creating and editing upgrade types

In the editor, it is possible to view and duplicate all available upgrade types. It is also possible to edit and remove upgrade types defined by users.

Creating or removing new upgrade types

Editor → Future Design (Ribbon tab) → Upgrade Types (Ribbon bar)
The left panel allows you to select upgrade types.
How to create a new upgrade type:
  1. Select "Stakeholders" in the ribbon header.
  2. Select "Upgrade Types" in the ribbon bar.
  3. Select "Add" in the left panel.
How to duplicate an existing upgrade type:
  1. Select "Stakeholders" in the ribbon header.
  2. Select "Upgrade Types" in the ribbon bar.
  3. Select an existing upgrade type you wish to duplicate.
  4. Select "Duplicate" in the left panel.
How to remove an existing upgrade type:
  1. Select "Stakeholders" in the ribbon header.
  2. Select "Upgrade Types" in the ribbon bar.
  3. Select the upgrade type you wish to remove.
  4. Select "Remove" in the left panel.

Changing upgrade properties

Editor → Future Design (Ribbon tab) → Upgrade Types (Ribbon bar) → The Upgrade Type to edit (Left panel)
The right panel allows you to change the properties of upgrade types.

You can only change the properties of upgrade types which are defined by a user. The upgrade types already present in the Tygron Platform by default cannot be altered. If you wish to change the properties of a pre-existing upgrade type, you should duplicate the existing upgrade type to create a user-defined upgrade type, which can then be altered.


The field for the "name".
The name of the upgrade. This is the name which will appear in a stakeholder's list of actions. Depending on the effects of the upgrade, it is important to provide a descriptive name. You can change this by altering the text in the text field.


The selector for the "image".
The image seen when the upgrade is selected in a stakeholder's list of actions. A fitting image will help users identify the upgrade at a glance. You can change this by clicking the image, and selecting a new image in the opened window.


The field for the "description".
The description of the upgrade. This will also appear in a stakeholder's list of actions when the upgrade is selected. In addition to the name, a good description can be necessary to convey the intent and effect of the upgrade. You can change this by altering the text in the text area.


The field for the "cost".
The cost of the upgrade, per surface unit. You can change the cost by altering the number in the text field.

Calculation type

The dropdown menu for the "calculation type".
The calculation type determines whether the cost of the upgrade is equal to the amount of area the building takes up on the ground (Ground surface area, fitting for, for example, green roofs) or to the amount of floor space this building has (Floor space, fitting for, for example, renovation). You can change this by selecting a different setting using the dropdown menu.

Construction time

The field for the "construction time".
The time it takes to apply the upgrade. Regardless of the existing function of the building, or the function it is upgraded to, applying an upgrade will take the amount of time defined by the upgrade. You can change this by altering the number in the text field.

Must own

The checkbox for the property of requiring ownership.
Whether the stakeholder who applies the upgrade must own the building to be upgraded. If this is the case, a stakeholder can only apply this to their own buildings. If this is not the case, the stakeholder can also upgrade the buildings of others. The stakeholder performing the upgrade will also pay for it. If the building is not their own, they must also receive permission from the owner of the building. To change this, check or uncheck the checkbox.

Zoning permit required

The checkbox for the property of requiring a zoning permit.
Whether this upgrade requires a zoning permit. If this is the case, the upgrade will need to be approved by the municipality. If this is not the case, the upgrade does not require permission from the municipality (unless the municipality is the owner, and the "must own" property is activated). To change this, check or uncheck the checkbox.

Linking functions to upgrade types

The bottom panel displays the functions linked to the upgrade. When this upgrade is applied to a building with a function on the left, it becomes a building with corresponding function on the right.

The most important property of an upgrade type is the defined function pairs. These define which functions are eligible for an upgrade, and to which function they are upgraded. Function pairs consist of 2 functions: a starting function and a target function. the left function in the list is the starting function. The right function in the list is the target function.

It is important to note that, for a given upgrade type, each pair must have a unique starting function. It is not possible to have the same function appear as the starting function for multiple pairs in the same upgrade type. The target function does not have this restriction.

When a user wishes to upgrade a building, the building's function must be the starting function of a function pair defined for the upgrade. The resulting function will be the target function of the same function pair. It is possible to have the target function be the same as the starting function of the same pair, or of another pair, allowing for consecutive or cyclic upgrades.

Adding a function pair

To add a function pair, select "Add Pair". A new pair will be added to the list. You will notice that as you add more pairs in succession, their functions will be different. This is because of the restriction that the starting function must be different for each pair.

Duplicating a function pair

To duplicate a function pair, select an existing function pair, and select "Duplicate pair". This will create a new pair, in which the target function is the same as the duplicated pair, and the starting function still needs to be defined.

Removing a function pair

To remove a function pair, select an existing function pair, and select "Remove Pair". This will remove the selected function pair.

Editing a function pair

To change a function in a function pair, you can either select the function you wish to change from the list of function pairs, and select "Edit Pair", or you can click the image of the function you wish to change. In both cases, the function selection dialog will appear.