Basic skills tutorial

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This article is a stub.

The best way for building experience with the Tygron Engine is by actively using it. Especially after a training, staying active in the Engine is the best option for consolidating what you've learned. To help with this proces, this page offers a number of assignments. All of these assignments are part of the topics that were dealt with during the quick start training.

These assignments can be done in the project "ClimateGame5". This project is available in all domains.

Starting the project

After logging in, you will find yourself in the main menu. Select "Edit Project", and then select the "Climategame 5" project. It will begin to load. When the editor has loaded, you will see an interface with a ribbon menu at the top, and the 3D World in the center. If you don't want to save the adjustments you make in these practice assigment, you are now ready to begin. However, if you do want to save all the adjustments you practice with these assignments you need to make a personal copy of the Climategame5 project.

Save you own practice project:
  1. Select "File" in the ribbon.
  2. Save As left panel, adjust the name to a self chosen project name.
  3. Select "Save".

This new created project can be edited and saved whenever you want. You are now ready to begin these assignments.

Guided Assignments

These assignments will guide you step-by-step through some simple use-cases.

The first two assignments are linked by a common question that is asked for the support team. I have drawn a building in the 3D world and now it's gone. How is that possible? Probably the answer is that you try to draw a building from the action menu instead of from the constructions. After completing the following two assignments, the difference is clear between drawing constructions and drawing an action that may be a building, for example.

Adjust the 3D world in the editor

In this assignment you will adjust the 3D world. After this practice you can edit your base project in case you need to change the 3D world after loading a new project in the wizard. The assignment consists of three parts.

  1. Remove a construction in the 3D world to create an empty spot where you can put a new construction.
  2. Add a new construction of the category Education of the Education Luxury type.
  3. Edit the new Education Luxury building to a building with a floorheight of 10 floors.

If you need more information in order to execute these assignments go to the specific wiki pages with the indepth information.

  1. How to remove a construction in the 3D world
  2. How to add a construction in the 3D world
  3. How to edit a construction in the 3D world

For more information on this topic, visit the following pages:

Adjust the 3D world in a session

In this assignment you will adjust the action menu. After this practice you can edit the 3D world during a session or during a testrun. The assignment consist of four parts.

  1. Add a new action menu to the Uni real Estate Stakholder and name it Education
  2. Add a build Education Luxury option to the action menu
  3. Build an Education Luxary building in the 3D world
  4. (Notice the test run has started) Stop the testrun and notice the new build construction disappears.

If you need more information to execute these assignments go to the specific wiki pages with the indepth information.

  1. How add a action menu
  2. How to add a construction to the action menu
  3. How to build a construction
  4. What is a Testrun

For more information on this topic, visit the following pages:

Adding an indicator

In this next assignment you will add a standard indicator to the project. This indicator is a calculation model available in any project. Once added, it will automatically be shown in the topbar of the project and start to calculate and influence the score of the stakeholder for whom it was added. In this example you can to be working in the Climategame project as the Waterboard stakeholder. You can check in the right upper corner of the top bar if you are working in the project as the correct stakeholder.

  1. Add the shared indicator,Traffic Noise, to the project. This is a indicator that is added to the whole project and can be added or removed per stakeholder.
  2. Add the personal indicator, Housing, to the Waterboard stakeholder. This is a indicator specific for a stakeholder, in this case the Waterboard.

If you need more information to execute these assignments go to the specific wiki pages with the indepth information.

  1. How to add a shared indicator
  2. How to add a personal indicator

For the next step you are going to make sure the Traffic Noise indicator is added to the waterboard stakeholder and the municipality stakeholder. The HHS and Student Housing do not have the Traffic Noise indicator. If necessary remove the Traffic Noise indicator from both stakeholders.

For more information on this topic, visit the following pages:

Adding and removing a construction

In this assignment you will create a construction in the base-state of the world. This means that the construction will be present at the start of the session. This will occur in 2 steps: first the construction will be made part of the project, and then it will also be assigned a location in the world.

After that, you will remove a construction from the base-state of the world. This means the construction will not be present at the start of the session. It will not be removed from the world separately, but will be removed entirely.

Creating buildings:
  1. Select "Geo data" → "Buildings" in the ribbon.
  2. Select "Add" in the bottom of the left panel.
  3. See the properties of the building appear in the right panel.
  4. Select "Draw Area".
  5. Find a location in the world which is not colored grey. Places which are not grey are valid to draw.
  6. Create a selection in the world which is at least partially green.
  7. In the brush panel, select "Apply Selection".
Removing buildings:
  1. Select "Geo data" → "Buildings" in the ribbon.
  2. Select a building by selecting it in the list in the left panel, or by selecting it in the world.
  3. Select "Remove".
  4. Confirm that you wish to remove this construction.

For more information on this topic, visit the following pages:

Loading in GeoJSON

In this assignment you will load in a GeoJSON file into the editor. A file has been prepared with a number of shapes which overlap with some of the roads in the project. The file also contains (fictional) traffic intensity values. By loading in this file into the editor, the building values of the roads can be adjusted to have the traffic intensities as defined in the file.

Download the excample traffic intensities file. It can be found here: Road Intensity file. Unpack it before starting.

Loading traffic intensities:
  1. Drag the GeoJSON file ("roads-intensity-shapes.geojson") into the editor.
  2. Select "Import Building Values".
  3. Select "only buildings with Category: ROADS".
  4. Make sure "TRAFFIC_FL" is checked.
  5. Enter "TRAFFIC_FLOW" in the field next to "TRAFFIC_FL".
  6. Select "Send".

To see the loaded traffic intensities, it is possible to simply view the roads in the 3D world. The affected roads will have more cars on them then they had before. For greater insight into the effects of the new data, it is also possible to add an overlay for traffic noise or traffic intensity.

For more information on this topic, visit the following pages: