Relation (TQL Param)

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Relation Types

The following relation types are supported:

Relation type

Implemented Relations

The following relations are implemented for the specified items.

Item type Relation Type Description
BUILDING OWNER, CONSTRUCTOR The Stakeholder configured as the owner of Building
BUILDING DEMOLISHER The Stakeholder configured as demolisher of Building
MEASURE BUILDING The first Building configured for this Measure
MEASURE OWNER The Stakeholder configured as the owner of this Measure
NET_CLUSTER OWNER The Stakeholder configured as the owner of this Net Cluster
NET_CLUSTER NETOWNER The Stakeholder configured as the owner of the Net Type of the first Net Load, configured as a Net Setting.
NET_LOAD OWNER The Stakeholder configured as the owner of this Net Cluster.
NET_LOAD NETOWNER The Stakeholder configured as the owner of the Net Type, configured as a Net Setting.
NET_LOAD BUILDING The Building configured for this Net Load.
PANEL OWNER The Stakeholder configured as the owner of this Panel.
ZONE PERMITTER The Stakeholder configured as the permitter of this Zone. Often the Municipality by default.

Area Relations

Areas allow any of the relation types to be configured using the editor area api events ADD_RELATION, SET_RELATION and REMOVE_RELATIONS.