How to sort Overlays

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As Projects grow larger and more complex, they will likely accrue a significant number of Overlays. It's important to be able to keep some overview over the available Overlays. By ordering, grouping, and hiding them where appropriate, it is possible to ensure the most relevant and important Overlays are presented most prominently.

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Overlays (Ribbon bar)
How to sort Overlays:
  1. Select the Overlay which you wish to re-order. It's details will appear in the right panel.
  2. If the Overlay should be grouped under another Overlay (make it a child Overlay of a parent Overlay):
    Ensure the "Has Parent" option is active.
    Select the desired parent Overlay in the dropdown of potential parents.
  3. If the Overlay should be listed above or below another Overlay:
    In the left panel, use the "Up" button to move the Overlay above the one directly preceding it.
    In the left panel, use the "Down" button to move the Overlay below the one directly following it.
  4. If the Overlay should not be listed in the navigation panel:
    In the left panel, ensure "Show in Sidebar" is unchecked.


See also