How to set an Overlay to active or inactive

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When a Session performs a recalculation, all Grid Overlays are recalculated as well. In most situations, this is appropriate, as this ensures the most recent version of the data is calculated and the results match that data. However, in some situations it is preferable to not have a Grid Overlay recalculate. Examples of this include situations where the results already obtained should be locked in, and not changed further after new data is added or plans are enacted. Another situation may be that the newest results of that specific Overlay are not immediately relevant, but that that Grid Overlay would otherwise take a lot of time to recalculate.

It is possible to set a Grid Overlay to "Active" or "Inactive" as desired, so that the Grid Overlay does or does not perform the relevant calculation.

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Overlays (Ribbon bar) → The Grid Overlay (Left panel)
How to set an Overlay to (in)active:
Watch the video: 
  1. In the left panel, select the Grid Overlay which should be toggled
  2. In the right panel, find the "Active" checkbox
  3. If the Grid Overlay should calculate, ensure the checkbox is checked.
  4. If the Grid Overlay should not calculate, ensure the checkbox is unchecked.


  • When working with a Grid Overlay which has result type children Overlays, the children are linked to the parent Overlay. When the parent Overlay recalculates, the children also get new results. When the parent Overlay is set to inactive, the children's results are locked as well.

See also