How to export objects in a project to a GeoJSON

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How to export objects in a project to a GeoJSON:
  1. Hover over the desired menu you want to export objects from and click on Export Geo Data.
  2. In the new panel that pops up, select the GeoJSON format.
  3. Click on the Export File button.


  • Buildings, Terrains, Neighborhoods, Zoning, Plots, Areas and Measurements can be exported as a GeoJSON.
  • For the Buildings and Terrains, objects from a certain category/type can be exported by selecting the desired category/type from the Filter drop-down menu at the top of the panel.
  • By checking the Inherit all parent attributes, all Attributes will be exported. Otherwise, only a selection of attributes will be exported.
  • By checking the With Attribute option and choosing an attribute, only objects that have this certain attribute will be exported.

See also