Current situation

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Current situation is a Map Type and represents the present situation of your project. Its counterpart is the Planned situation.

Making changes the current situation requires the editor, while changing the Planned situation requires action taken in a Single, multi or Test Run session.

Items can be present in both map types at the same time. This is the case when starting a single, multi or test-run session. Once a stakeholder starts planning, upgrading and removing buildings, certain buildings will only be present in the planned situation when planned or upgraded or only in the current situation when removed or upgraded.

Buttons in the Top bar of the viewer interface of the Tygron Client allows you to switch between the two Map Types to inspect the differences visually.

Generally, all aspects (logic, calculation, visualization) take into account that there are multiple situations, and therefore calculate and present these situations separate from each other.


  • The Map Type name of the current situation is CURRENT

See also