Inlet formula (Water Overlay)

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Inlets are hydraulic structures can pump water in and out of the project area and are connected with a water body outside the project area.

The amount flowing in or out of inlets is calculated for the cell the inlet resides on.

Case 1: Inlet:
When calculating inlets, first the capacities are calculated.

If a lower threshold Tl,t is defined:

Qlth = max( 0 , Tl,t - wt )

If a positive inlet q Qt is defined:

Qt = Δt * Qt

If a capacity Qtotal is defined:

Qc = Qtotal- ΣQ0..t-1

After calculating the capacities, the actual water inflow is calculated. If any of the terms are undefined, they are not included.

Δw = max( 0 , min( Qlth , Qt , Qc ) ) / A

Case 2 Outlets:
When calculating outlets, first the capacities are calculated.

If an upper threshold Tu,t is defined:

Quth = min( 0 , Tu,t - wt )

If a negative inlet q Qt is defined:

Qt = Δt * Qt

If a capacity Qtotal is defined:

Qc = -Qtotal - ΣQ0..t-1

After calculating the capacities, the actual water ouflow is calculated. If any of the terms are undefined, they are not included.

Δw = min( 0 , max( Quth , Qt , Qc) ) / A


  • wt = The water level on at time t, relative to datum.
  • Tl,t = The LOWER_THRESHOLD attribute of the inlet at time t.
  • Tu,t = The UPPER_THRESHOLD attribute of the inlet at time t.
  • qt = INLET_Q attribute at time t.
  • Δt = Computational timestep.
  • Qtotal = The INLET_CAPACITY attribute of the inlet.
  • Q0..n = The calculated previous amounts of flow.
  • Qlth = The desired lower water level at the inlet's location, based on the LOWER_THRESHOLD attribute.
  • Quth = The desired upper water level at the outlet's location, based on the outlet's UPPER_THRESHOLD attribute.
  • Qt = The amount of water inflow (or outflow when negative) possible based on the INLET_Q attribute and timestep Δt.
  • Qc = The total amount of water inflow (or outflow when negative) allowed based on the total capacity of the inlet/outlet.
  • A = Size of the Inlet/Outlet area in m2, based on the amount of cells and cell size. Current implementation only has one cell.
  • Δw = The amount of water flow which takes place.

See also

Template:WaterOverlay nav