Unit Type

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Units are the various means of transportation that can be displayed in the 3D World.

How do Units relate to the Tygron Platform?

The available units can be added to the 3D world in order to visualize the dynamic feel of the 3D world. For the vehicles that are situated on the roads, the units not only complete the visualization of the real life situation, they are also used for visualization of the traffic density calculations (See also: Traffic Model) of the various types of roads. For example, a highway has more units per hours than a brick road. The amount of units per hour can be edited and is used for visualization of traffic overlays. However the units per hour cannot always be visualized. Crossroads are an example of this, the units per hour on a crossroad can be used in the calculation process but are not included in the visualization.

Editing the amount of units per hour

Template:Editor ribbon

How to edit amount of units per hour:
  1. Select "Geo Data" in the ribbon header.
  2. Select "Buildings" in the ribbon bar.
  3. Select "Roads" in the left panel.
  4. Select the desired road section in the left panel
  5. Change the units per hour in the right panel

Types of available Units

In the Tygron Platform, there are multiple types of units available. Each type of unit has its own properties consisting of its name, color and whether it is active or not in the 3D World.

Land based units (Road) Land based units (Rail) Waterborne units Airborne units
Pickup Tram Canoe Airplane
Bus Transrapid Sailboat
Sedan car (multiple color types) Cargo ship
Tractor Riverboat small
Truck Riverboat medium
Scooter Riverboat large
SUV Oil tanker
Mini Cooper (multiple color types) Spray boat
Street sweeper
Smokey truck
Delivery truck
Small car
Police car
Yellow cab
US ambulance
US firetruck
Container truck
Grain truck
Oil truck
Bio truck

Editing Units

Adding and removing Units

By default some units are present in a new project. This section deals with adding units to the 3D World

Template:Editor ribbon

Units panel

Adding Units

By selecting the 'Add' button on the bottom of list of units, a new panel with units appears. By selecting the desired unit from the list, and then the 'Apply' button, the unit is added to the project, but not activated yet. By highlighting the newly added unit on the left panel, the unit details become available on the right side. Here is also a checkbox to set the unit Active in Simulation.

How to add units:
  1. Select Visuals
  2. Select Units on the ribbon bar
  3. Select 'Add' from the bottom of the list in the left panel
  4. Select the desired unit type from the popup panel and apply
  5. Notice a new unit has been added to the unit data overrides list in the left panel
  6. Select the newly added Unit
  7. Set the Unit to Active in Simulation in the right panel

Duplicate Units

By selecting the 'Duplicate' button on the bottom of list of units, a new units appears on the list with the followup number in parentheses. The list is alphabetical per units type. Whether the new unit is active already in the 3D world depends on the parent unit that is duplicated. It will copy the active or inactive state of the original unit.

How to duplicate units:
  1. Select Visuals
  2. Select Units on the ribbon bar
  3. Select 'Duplicate' from the bottom of the list in the left panel
  4. Notice the new duplicated unit has been added to the unit data overrides list in the left panel

Removing Units

It is not possible to remove a unit. However it is possible to make a unit inactive and therefore not be visualized in the 3D World

How to deactivate a unit:
  1. Select the unit in the unit data overrides left panel
  2. Uncheck the Active in Simulation checkbox in the right panel

Changing Units

Template:Editor ribbon

Right side detail panel
Changing existing units can be done by selecting an already existing unit on the left side of the Unit Data Overrides Panel. The characteristics of the existing units are displayed and can be edited on the detail panel on the right side of the editor main view.
How to change units:
  1. Select Visuals in the header
  2. Select Units in the bar
  3. Search in the list of unit data overrides left panel the unit to be changed
  4. Edit the given options on the right panel if desired


Unit Name Field
In the "Name" field, a specific name for the unit can be entered, replacing the default naming. Please note that the default name of a unit often refers to the actual type of the unit.

Active in Simulation

Active in Simulation checkbox
By checking or unchecking the checkbox the selected unit is vizualized in the 3D World or not.

Available Unit Colors

Available Unit Colors
In these colors this type unit is displayed in the 3D World