How to import Buildings with a specified amount of floors

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When importing Buildings datasets, the amount of floors a Building has is often an important feature. It affects both spatial aspects such as the casting of shadows, as well as capacity, for example for housing.

Upon import, the amount of floors can be dictated by setting the DEFAULT_FLOORS Attribute of the importing data. This can be done either directly in the data itself, or through an Attribute mapping while importing.

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Geo import (Ribbon bar)
How to import Buildings with a specified amount of floors:
  1. Start the Geo Data Wizard.
  2. Opt to import either Buildings (for the Current Situation) or Measures (for the Future Design).
  3. Continue through all intermediate steps as normal.
  4. In the step for importing Attributes, ensure that the Attribute representing the amount of floors is present and selected.
  5. If the applicable Attribute is not yet named as such, rename the Attribute to DEFAULT_FLOORS.
  6. Finish the Geo Data Wizard.


  • Setting the DEFAULT_FLOORS of a Building during import will change the default amount of floors the Building is placed with. Barring other effects which change the amount of floors while the Building is defined, that in turn sets the floors of the Building's sections.
  • The MIN_FLOORS and MAX_FLOORS Attributes are still respected. Attempting to set an amount of floors beyond those bounds will result in the amount of floors clamping to the nearest valid value. This means it is not possible to set the amount of floors beyond those bounds, preventing skyscrapers consisting of a single floor or 50-story villas.
    • This restriction can be bypassed by also setting a MIN_FLOORS and/or MAX_FLOORS Attribute during the import. This will require

See also