How to create a new Project with 3D BAG data

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The checkbox in the advanced options overview.

The 3D BAG data is created by the 3D geo-information research group, TU Delft. This dataset contains 3D models of the BAG data in different LODs. This 3D dataset can be imported in a Project to replace the usual, 2D polygon-based Buildings, even at Project-creation time.

How to use 3D BAG data when creating a new Project:
  1. Select a "New Project" in the Tygron Platform.
  2. In the "Select Area" part of the wizard click on "advanced options".
  3. Check the "Use 3D BAG by tudelft3d for Building Geometries" checkbox to enable the 3D BAG data to load automatically for this selected area.
  4. Generate map as usual to start the project.

See also

External links