How to edit your project data via WFS

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When an external GIS application supports WFS transactions, it is possible to edit the data in a project via the WFS connection.

It is currently possible to edit geometries and attributes. It is also possible to add new features. It is currently not possible to remove features.

How to edit project data via WFS:
  1. Connect the GIS application to your project by adding the WFS connection to the external GIS application.
  2. Modify the features of the WFS layer. You can modify the vertices of geometries, and the attributes of features.
  3. Ensure the end result is valid. (For example: neighborhoods cannot overlap, and constructions cannot overlap.)
  4. Save the modified layer in the GIS application.
  5. The data will now be updated in the Tygron Platform.

Additional parameters

The following parameters can be added to the url, for the following effects:

  • override=true: By default, when geometries of a non-overlapping datatype (such as constructions overlap, the edit is explicitly disallowed by the Tygron Platform. By adding this parameters, in case of overlap, the existing construction has its geometry removed in the location of the overlap, to place the new geometry of another construction.
  • inherit=true: By default, constructions don't have all of their function values exported through WFS, otherwise the large amount of data may take up an excessive amount of memory. Specifically, all function values which are not explicitly defined for a specific construction are not exported. By adding this parameters, values inherited from function values are included in the constructions as well.


  • When using a WFS endpoint which only displays partial data (such as the ROADS endpoint for constructions), any submitted modification must still be valid across all data. I.e., even if you can't see other constructions in your GIS application, the modified roads are not allowed to intersect with other constructions in the project in the Tygron Platform.