Sewer area (Water Overlay)

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Sewer area

A sewer area is part of the definition of a system of sewers in the specified area. Sewer storage is present in the hydrological model wherever the sewer area intersects with a sewered construction. A sewer area can also pump stored sewer water to an external area outside the project. However water that has been pumped out, will remain outside the project area. By default sewers do not pump water to external areas.

Template:Overlay attribute

|SEWER_PUMP_SPEED |m3/s |The amount of water removed from the sewer by removing it from the hydrological model entirely. |0 |} Sewers don't have default storage amount, but when generating them automatically in the configuration wizard, suggested values are 0,007m for older sewers and 0,04 for newer sewers. Template:WaterOverlay object nav