How to adjust the starting budget of a Stakeholder

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Changing the budget of a stakeholder

The Budget a stakeholder has during a session can be adjusted for each level via the Stakeholder ribbon. When selecting a stakeholder, the start budget is visible in the right panel of the Tygron Platform. By default, the start budget of a stakeholder is '0', although this can be adjusted to a desired amount. It is also possible by selecting a level in the stakeholder menu to use an Additional Budget. This can also be adjusted in the right panel. This additional budget will be added by the Start Budget at the beginning of a level.

Editor → Multi Scenario (Ribbon tab) → Stakeholders (Ribbon bar)
How to adjust the starting budget:
  1. Click on Stakeholders.
  2. Click on the desired Stakeholder in the left panel.
  3. Adjust the Start Budget on the right side of the Tygron Platform to the desired amount.
File:Adjusting level budget.JPG
Changing the Additional Budget of a stakeholder
How to adjust the aditional budget:
  1. Click on Stakeholders.
  2. Click on the desired Stakeholder in the left panel.
  3. Select the level that needs to be adjusted, this can be done for every level.
  4. Adjust the Additional Budget on the right side of the Tygron Platform to the desired amount.