How to add and remove a Result type

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A number of Grid Overlays can output multiple types of results. One Result type will be set as primary result type. Others can be added as Result type child Overlays.

Template:Editor ribbon

How to set the main Result type of an Overlay:
  1. Find the 'Result type' dropdown menu.
  2. Select the desired result type.
  3. Recalculate the overlay.
  4. The output of the Overlay is now of the desired type.
How to add a Result type child Overlay to an Overlay:
  1. Open the Overlay's configuration wizard.
  2. Continue to the Output Overlays step.
  3. Make sure the checkbox next to the desired Result type.
  4. Close the configuration wizard.
  5. Recalculate the overlay.
  6. Select the added Result type child Overlay.
  7. The output of the currently selected child Overlay is now of the desired type.