How to add and configure hydraulic structures (Water Overlay)

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Please note: This page is currently being updated.

Manually add and remove hydraulic structures

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Buildings (Ribbon bar)
How to add a hydraulic structure (example: inlet):
  1. From the Buildings dropdown select "Add Building".
  2. Name your new building.
  3. Click Change Function.
  4. Select (1) the correct category > (2) the desired function > (3) Apply.
  5. Click Draw Area.
  6. Select (1) one or more grid cells on the map for the desired location of the new building > (2) Apply Selection.
  7. In the Configuration Wizard of the Flooding Overlay at (1) the corresponding step > select (2) the new building > (3) Next.
  8. Finally, test the new hydraulic structure by running the simulation.
How to remove a hydraulic structure (example: inlet):
  1. From the Buildings dropdown select "Show Buildings".
  2. Select (1) the building you whish to remove > (2) Remove > (3) Yes.

Import and export hydraulic structures

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Buildings (Ribbon bar)
How to import a hydraulic structure:
  1. From the Buildings dropdown select "Import Geo Data".
  2. Click Next and select your import method.
  3. Proceed by following the steps as stated on the Geo Data Wizard page.
How to export a hydraulic structure:
  1. From the Buildings dropdown select "Export GeoJSON File".
  2. (1) Filter on the building type you wish to export > (2) click Next.
  3. Proceed by going through the subsequent steps.