How to add and configure hydraulic structures (Water Overlay)

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Manually add and remove hydraulic structures

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Buildings (Ribbon bar)
How to add a hydraulic structure (example: inlet):
  1. From the Buildings dropdown select "Add Building".
  2. Name your new building.
  3. Click Change Function.
  4. Select (1) the correct category > (2) the desired function > (3) Apply.
  5. Click Draw Area.
  6. Select (1) one or more grid cells on the map for the desired location of the new building > (2) Apply Selection.
  7. In the Configuration Wizard of the Flooding Overlay at (1) the corresponding step > select (2) the new building > (3) Next.
  8. Finally, test the new hydraulic structure by running the simulation.
How to remove a hydraulic structure (example: inlet):
  1. From the Buildings dropdown select "Show Buildings".
  2. Select (1) the building you whish to remove > (2) Remove > (3) Yes.