Trees and foliage tutorial

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Take the following steps as preparation for following this tutorial:

Tree and foliage data in general

There are a number of use-cases in which having accurate green data is relevant. In urban development, green is become more and more of a required spatial aspect. But also for topics like biodiversity and heat stress the impact of the presence of green is significant. It is therefor important to have as accurate data as possible related to the presence of green in an urban environment for a variety of simulation use-cases.

For this tutorial, there will be a focus on using green data with and for the Heat Overlay, but the principles translate over to other use-cases as well.


Downloading trees data from the Project

In the ribbon, ensure the "Current Situation" is selected.

In the "Buildings" dropdown, select "Export Geo Data".

In the popup that appears, its possible to indicate which Buildings data specifically needs to be exported.

Opt to export Buildings with a specific Attribute by checking the "With Attribute" option.

As Attribute, select the Attribute FOLIAGE_CROWN_FACTOR.

Find the export option "Download GeoJSON File", and click on "Export File".

Place the file somewhere on your computer where you will be able to find it again later.

Removing existing trees from the Project

Importing trees data

Connecting Trees to Heat Overlay

Importing foliage grid data

Connecting foliage grid to Heat Overlay

Tutorial completed

Congratulations. You have now completed this tutorial. In it, you have learned how to import trees and foliage data, with an emphasis for use with the Heat Overlay..