An area is a surface or plane. It is a 2 dimensional indication of a location, more spread out than a single point.
Areas in the Tygron Engine
In the Tygron Engine, an area is a generic form of data. An area is comprised of a polygon and a number of attributes, which can be completely user-defined. They do not do much on their own, but can be used in conjuction with TQL and Excel to implement more complex and user-defined calculations for a project.
How areas can be used
Areas can be used for a number of purposes:
- To create an overlay
- To mark specific locations or buildings
- To provide spatial data not yet covered by the built-in components of the Engine
Changing areas
In the editor, you can add, remove, and edit areas in the project as desired. To do this, you can used the "Areas" panel from the "Geo data" menu in the editor.
Adding and removing areas
Template:Editor ribbon To add an area to the world select "Add" at the bottom of the Left Panel. A new area will be added. To remove an area, select an area in the left panel, and select "Remove" at the bottom of the panel.
- Select "Geo Data" in the ribbon header.
- Select "Areas" in the ribbon bar.
- Select "Add" in the left panel.
- Select "Geo Data" in the ribbon header.
- Select "Areas" in the ribbon bar.
- Select the area you wish to duplicate.
- Select "Remove" in the left panel.
- Select "Geo Data" in the ribbon header.
- Select "Areas" in the ribbon bar.
- Select the area you wish to remove.
- Select "Remove" in the left panel.
Editing areas
Template:Editor ribbon Selecting an area in the left panel makes its properties adjustable in the right panel.
The name of the area. This is used to differentiate between different areas. If the area is part of an overlay, the name is also used in the legend of the overlay. The name can be changed by changing the text in this field.
Original Color
The color of the area. When the area is displayed in the 3D world, the area is displayed using this color. You can change this by selecting the color field. A panel will appear in which you can specify the desired color. The color will be available as an attribute as well.
Different Color for Maquette
Whether a second color should be used for maquette displays of the area. This option an be toggled by checking the checkbox.
When checked, the option for selecting a maquette color will appear. You can change this by selecting the color field. A panel will appear in which you can specify the desired color. The color will be available as an attribute as well.
Active in simulation
Whether the area should be considered active. When an area is not active, it is not displayed as part of overlays, and has no polygon in the 3D world. You can toggle this by checking the checkbox.