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Please note: This page is currently being updated.

After reading this page

  • you've learned what Terrain is.
  • you've learned how Terrains relate to the Tygron engine.
  • you've learned about the different Terrain types in the Tygron engine.
  • you've learned how to add Terrain to your project.
  • you've learned how to change Terrain in your project.

What is Terrain

Terrain (plural terrains): An area of land and/ or the particular features of it.


What does Terrain mean in the Tygron Engine?

In the Tygron Engine terrain types can be selected for a specified area in the 3D world. Such a terrain type can have different features assigned according to the specific type selected. Terrain types in the Tygron Engine are; Flooding Terrain, Sewer Terrain, Safe Zone Terrain, Normal Terrain and Terrain imported from ArcGIS.

What types of terrain can be used in the Tygron Engine?

Flooding Terrain

A Flooding Terrain is a visualization of an inundation of (a part of) the 3D world. The user can select tha area, the amount of water and color of the flooding overlay. To visualize the Flooding Terrain on both the 3D world and mini map, a dedicated overlay can be added. In order to trigger the flooding manually/ as part of an event, the Flooding terrain needs to be linked to the weather type Flooding (in Animations).

Creating a Flooding terrain

  1. Select 3D World > Terrains > Add Flooding Terrain
  2. Rename the new Flooding Terrain in the 'Name' field on the right side of main view, if desired
  3. Select a color from the drop down menu 'Color on Overlay'
  4. Enter a value for 'Flood water level in meters/ ft'
  5. Select if the Flooding Terrain is 'Active in Simulation'
  6. Select the 'Adjust Area' button to enable the brush panel under the main view port
  7. Select the area if the 3D world where the flooding takes place
  8. Apply selection

Adding a Flooding Terrain Overlay

  1. Select 3D World > Overlays
  2. Select 'TERRAIN_FLOODING' from the drop down menu on the bottom left of the screen
  3. Select to Add the terrain overlay

Linking Flooding Terrain to Flooding Weather, to manually trigger flooding

To enable the flooding to be triggered manually, a dedicated measure must be created. In this measure, the Flooding Terrain and Flooding Weather type are linked. The measure can then be assigned to an Action menu, to be accessible for the user.
  1. Select Animations > Weather > Add Flooding
  2. Rename the new Flooding Weather in the 'Name' field on the right side of main view, if desired
  3. Select Auto trigger, if desired
  4. Enter values for 'Weather Duration in seconds', 'Flooding waterlevel in meters/ ft', 'Amount of rain', 'Duration of rainfall' and 'Annual rainfall increment'
  5. Select Stakeholders > Measures > Add empty measure
  6. Select 'Events' for the newly created measure
  7. Add on the right side panel a Server event 'TERRAIN_SET_ACTIVE'
  8. Add the Flooding Terrain to this event from the drop down list underneath the main view port
  9. Add on the right side panel a Client event 'ACTIVATE_WEATHER'
  10. Add the Weather ID 'Flooding' to this event from the drop down list underneath the main view port
  11. Select 3D world > Actions
  12. Add a new action menu
  13. Assign the newly created measure to the new Action menu

Sewer Terrain

This terrain type sets the amount of drainage for a specified area. This terrain can then be visualized as overlay.

Adding a Sewer Terrain & Overlay

  1. Select 3D World > Terrains > Add Sewer Terrain
  2. Rename the terrain in the 'Name' field, if desired
  3. Select an appropriate overlay color
  4. Enter a value for 'Sewer Water Storage per min'
  5. Check to activate terrain in simulation
  6. Select 'Adjust Area' to draw the terrain in the 3D world
  7. Select 3D world > Overlays
  8. Select to add a 'TERRAIN_SEWER' overlay

Safe Zone Terrain

Implementing this terrain type enables the user to assign areas that will not be flooded by a Safe Zone Flooding. This can be used to visualize the effects of flood protection alignments. Areas in this Safe Zone will not be flooded, and areas added to this safe zone by adding levees and alignments are indicated by a separate color.

Adding a Safe Zone Terrain & Overlay

  1. Select 3D World > Terrains > Add Safe Zone Terrain
  2. Rename the terrain in the 'Name' field, if desired
  3. Select an appropriate overlay color for the original safe zone and extended safe zone
  4. Check to activate terrain in simulation
  5. Select 'Adjust Area' to draw the original safe zone terrain in the 3D world
  6. Select 3D world > Overlays
  7. Select to add a 'TERRAINS' overlay
  8. Highlight the new 'Special Terrain' and select 'Safe Zone Terrain' from the right side panel

Normal Terrain

This terrain type can be used to designate/ revert areas with other terrain types to normal terrain features.

Adding Normal Terrain & Overlay

  1. Select 3D World > Terrains > Add Normal Terrain
  2. Rename the terrain in the 'Name' field, if desired
  3. Select an appropriate overlay color
  4. Check to activate terrain in simulation
  5. Select 'Adjust Area' to draw the terrain in the 3D world
  6. Select 3D world > Overlays
  7. Select to add a 'TERRAINS' overlay
  8. Highlight the new 'Special Terrain' and select 'Normal Terrain' from the right side panel

Terrain imported from ArcGIS