Import Geo data

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Almost all data can be imported in the Tygron Platform, as long as the data is about specific locations and contains geometry (and therefore coordinates). Thus basically when the data is Geo data. There are different methods for importing Geo Data. The method to choose is based on how you have your data available, as vector or raster data.


The following requirements for vector and raster data apply:

  • The Geo dataset should have a CRS (Coordinate Reference System) defined, for the Tygron Platform to properly translate the coordinates to the right location.
  • Vector data: Geo data in the Tygron Platform are always polygons. Line and point features are not allowed by the Tygron Platform. The data wizards helps you by buffering the line and point features to polygons.
  • Vector data: all desired attributes must be numerical, so that they can be loaded as valid attribute values. Non-numeric attributes are ignored when attempting to load them as attributes.

Vector data

With the Geo data wizard you can easily import vector data. The wizard also helps you to transform your data to the proper format for importing. There are four different import methods:

  1. with a GeoJSON file
  2. with a Scene layer package (SLPK) file
  3. through a Web Feature Service (WFS)
  4. through a Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW)

Choose a method based on how you have your data available.

Raster data

There are two different import methods:

  1. through a Web Map Service (WMS).
  2. as a GeoTiff Overlay

Choose a method based on how you have your data available.

See also