SDK (Java)

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The Tygron Platform offers an API, which allows external application to interact with it. However, the specific options available via the API are not always intuitively relatable to specific operations when using the client application. To compensate for this, the SDK wraps a number of these operations into more human-understandable functions. In addition, it provides functionality to handle some of the complexity related to obtaining, storing, updating and using data present in the Tygron Platform.

Getting started with the SDK

At this time, the SDK is only available for Java, and is still in development. The recommended IDE is Eclipse, although other developments environments can be used as well.

Obtaining the SDK

The SDK is freely available from

The contents are an Eclipse Java Project which can be imported as a dependency for other Projects.


The following components are available in the Java SDK:

Component Description
SettingsManager Stores most recently used settings. Required by other components of the SDK.
ServicesManager Facilitates authentication and communication to the Tygron Platform.
Projects and Sessions The data contained in a Project (such as Buildings and Overlays), and the live in-memory state of that Project data respectively.
SlotConnection The connector to one specific session, facilitating interactions and a continuously updating representation of data.
EventManager Allows for the listening of specific occurrences or events from the Session.
MapLinks and Items The enumerating types of all the available data, as well as the actual data from a Project respectively.
JTS Topology Suite[1] An included library for the definition of geo data, as well as the translations of geo data.


  1. JTS Topology Suite ∙ Found at: ∙ (last visited: 09-07-2024)