How to calculate the hourly wind speed
Revision as of 15:27, 16 February 2023 by (talk | contribs)
The hourly wind speed from the KNMI weather data table column FH has to be divided by 10, since it is defined in 0.1 m/s.
Column | Name | Unit | Dutch Description |
2/B | YYYYMMDD | Date | datum (YYYY=jaar,MM=maand,DD=dag) |
3/C | HH | Hour | tijd (HH=uur, UT.12 UT=13 MET, 14 MEZT. Uurvak 05 loopt van 04.00 UT tot 5.00 UT |
4/D | DD | Degrees | Windrichting (in graden) gemiddeld over de laatste 10 minuten van het afgelopen uur (360=noord, 90=oost, 180=zuid, 270=west, 0=windstil 990=veranderlijk. Zie [1] |
5/E | FH | 0.1 m/s | Uurgemiddelde windsnelheid (in 0.1 m/s). Zie [2] |
- The wind speed (hourly, and daily average) can also be based on an other data source; Potentiele wind (UP): These values are often a few 0.1 m/s higher than the values from the historical KNMI weather data table.