Overlay legend panel
Revision as of 09:52, 7 February 2023 by Frank@tygron.nl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "250px|right|The legend. It appears to provide information when using certain overlays, and indicates why selections are invalid when drawing. When drawing a selection of an action in the 3D Visualization, or when displaying an overlay, a legend will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. The legend serves as a reference for which colors correspond to what information. For example, when viewing the Ownership (Overlay)|owners...")
When drawing a selection of an action in the 3D Visualization, or when displaying an overlay, a legend will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. The legend serves as a reference for which colors correspond to what information. For example, when viewing the ownership overlay, the legend will display which stakeholder is displayed with which color. When viewing the livability overlay, it provides a reminder of which colors indicate the most and least desirable values.