Revision as of 09:55, 23 August 2022 by Frank@tygron.nl (talk | contribs)
DXF is a file format to exchange CAD data from Autodesk.
Currently, the following Autodesk CAD entity types are supported:
- LWPOLYLINES (2 dimensional line strings), including buldges
- LINE (single lines)
- POLYLINE (3 dimensional line strings), currently only interpreted as 2 dimensional. The z-coordinate is ignored.
- HATCH (polygonal data constructed using other boundary entities)
- CIRCLE: full and partial circles, given a center point, radius and start and end angle.
- ELLIPSE: full and partial ellipses, given a center point, major and minor axis, rotation and start and end angle.
- ARC: curved lines given a center point and a radius.
- VERTEX: 2 dimensional point.
- POINT: Same as vertex, but 3 dimensional. Currently only interpreted as 2 dimensional. The z-coordinate is ignored.
- SPLINE: 2 dimensional Control point splines are currently supported.