Main Menu
This article is a stub.
After reading this page:
- you've learned about the Main Menu in the Tygron Engine web application
- you've learned about the different elements of the Tygron Engine main menu
- you've learned about the different sub menus available on the Tygron Engine main menu
- In software development, the main menu is the main screen offering the top level of basic choices for software or a system.
- In the Tygron Engine web application, the main menu is the first screen after the log in panel and End Users License Agreement (EULA). On this main menu the top level of basic choices can be made by the user in the Tygron Engine web application, depending on the user's level of access rights.
Tygron Engine web application main menu
- The main menu of the Tygron Engine web application consists of multiple basic elements for each user, independent of the user access level.
- The left menu bar is the vertical area on the left side of the screen. The left menu bar contains all options that are available for the user's access level. The higher the access level, the more options will be displayed here.
Headlines panel
- On the lower half of the screen, near the middle, is a large white field, called the Headlines panel. On this panel major news updates are shared with the users. These can refer to anything Tygron related.