Excel Indicator
Excel Indicator
The Excel Indicator is an indicator that uses a Microsoft Excel File to do the calculations. Spatial information can be send to the Excel spread sheet and score and explanation information is retrieved from the file to be displayed in the Indicator Panel.
How is the Excel Indicator implemented in the Tygron Engine?
The Tygron Engine uses spatial data sets from different sources. If this data contains information that can be retrieved with a query, a dedicated indicator can be created by the user to process this data. A change in the project state provides input to the indicator, the indicator performs calculations based on this input and displays the result as output in the indicator and progress panel on the top bar.
To understand how to implement the Excel Indicator, please read the #Prerequisites and #Quickstart.
In order for the Excel indicator to work, it must contain the following named cell:
And either one of these two:
The Explanation Text can contain %s parts, which will be replaced by cells named subsequently:
, and so on..
If the Explanation Text contains more n %s parts, VAR_0
to VAR_(n-1)
should be present as named cells.
Upload an Excel file
To upload an Excel for the Excel Indicator, please click on the upload button and select the Excel file in the file chooser that pops up. A file with the same name can be uploaded over and over again, the file will simply replace the previous one.
Quick Start
This section contains a short quick start on how to create an excel that will be able to perform as an Excel Indicator in the Tygron Engine.
Example Setup
First create a new blank Excel, or use an existing one. In the image below you can see a created Excel with Function Categories. As an example, we are interested in calculating the percentage per construction type that are within a safe zone. In the Tygron Engine, a Terrain with the type Safe Zone has already been created.
Naming Cells
In order to get the amount of Floor Space of constructions within the SafeZone, a Cell can be given a particular Name:
The Name is shown in the upper left text field in the Excel. This Name is actually a query command that can be interpreted by the Tygron Engine, also known as TQL. In this case it says:
This query is not hard to read or understand. To retrieve the total amount of Affordable (Social) Housing, the query is as followed:
Also see the image below:
Name Manager
The naming of cells should be done carefully, because making a mistake here will result in an error during the calculation of the Excel Indicator. Also note that, once a cell has been named, the Microsoft Excel Name Manager must be used to edit the name of the cell. This Name Manager can be opened as followed:
Here you can find all defined names in your Excel and to what cells they refer. If you want to edit a cell name, click on the Edit Button. The following panel will appear:
Fixing Name Problems
In this panel you can edit both the name as the cell it refers to. This is the easiest way to correct a label. Note that you can also refer two labels to the same cell, something that happens quite often during renaming. The image below shows a Cell with two references. Both a MAQUETTE
query are referring to the same cell. One will override the other and the order is unpredictable. Make sure you resolve these issues. You can delete the name, or let it refer to another cell.
Generate Scores and Explanations
In order to generate scores and explanations, you need to have either one named cell: SCORE
, or two named cells: SCORE_CURRENT
. In Planning games, the SCORE_MAQUETTE
is most used, in TimeLine games both are important to indicate the difference between the planned situation and the current situation.
- Excel quick start 7.jpg
- Excel quick start 8.jpg
Last but not least is the explanation. This is the text shown in the lower left corner of the Indicator panel during a game session. The explanation text can be written in html format. The cell should be named EXPLANATION
. Note that when using explanation texts, you also want to include numbers and or text calculated by your excel. You can include '%s' values, which will be replaced by VAR_#
cells, starting from VAR_0
. See also #Prerequisites.
- Divisions by zero can be solved as followed:
. In this example cells C2 and D2 contain number values. - Instead of using the VAR_# method for the explanation text, you can also use the concatenate function of excel:
",A2, ": ", E2, " m2 and in Safe Zone: ", F2, " m2