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TQL clausses currently support one Operator:
TQL clauses currently support one Operator:
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{| class="wikitable"

Revision as of 13:28, 17 August 2015

Please note: This page is currently being updated.



The Tygron Query Language is a special-purpose programming language designed for obtaining spatial area information during a specific project session in the Tygron Engine. The primary reason for its introduction was to bridge the gap between the Tygron Engine and the implementation of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.


The main operation used in TQL is the query, which is performed with the declarative SELECT statement. A declarative statement tells the system which data is specifically required, after which the system will retrieve the data on it's 'own'. This is contrary to an imperative statement, where the system is told 'how' to obtain said data. A SELECT statement retrieves data from a running Tygron project session. TQL queries using SELECT statements have no persistent effect on the project session itself.

Queries in TQL using the SELECT statement allow the user to describe the desired data, leaving the Tygron Engine responsible for planning, optimizing, and performing the physical operations necessary to produce the desired result as output.

When starting a query with the SELECT statement, a result parameter must follow after the SELECT keyword. Currently, one of the following result parameters can be selected:

Result Parameter Description Example
DIKES Surface space of constructed dikes or levees. SELECT_DIKES_WHERE_ZONE_IS_1

Comparison Predicate

The SELECT and result parameter are followed by a WHERE statement. The WHERE statements contains a comparison predicate, which are logical propositions that restrict the information retrieved by the query. In other words, the WHERE clause eliminates all information from the result set where the comparison predicate does not evaluate as being valid (Boolean = True).

Take for instance the following statement as example of a logical proposition:

The Student is a Senior.

This statement excludes all students that are Junior, Sophomore or Freshman, as the outcome of the logical proposition would be 'False' in these cases.

The comparison predicate consists of 0 or more clauses, which consist of three parts;

  • Clause Type
  • Operator
  • Value


Some clauses are particular for constructions, others are applied to surface areas of constructions or dikes. The clause types and expected values currently supported are:

Clause Type Description Value Type Example
CATEGORY A construction belongs to the specific Function category Function category CATEGORY_IS_INDUSTRY
FUNCTION A construction belongs to a specific Function Function ID FUNCTION_IS_621
DIKE Surface area lies (partly) within a particular type of Dike (or Levee) Dike ID DIKE_IS_0
MAP A construction or dike is present in the specified map or view. Also see Simulation Type CURRENT or MAQUETTE MAP_IS_MAQUETTE
STAKEHOLDER A construction or surface area is owned by a specific Stakeholder Stakeholder ID STAKEHOLDER_IS_7
STAKEHOLDERTYPE A construction or surface area is owned by stakeholders of a specific Stakeholder Type Stakeholder Type STAKEHOLDERTYPE_IS_COMPANY
STATE A construction resides in the specified State State Type STATE_IS_PENDING_CONSTRUCTION
TERRAIN Surface area lies (partly) within a specific Terrain Terrain ID TERRAIN_IS_1
TERRAINTYPE Surface area lies (partly) within terrains with a specific Type of Terrain Terrain Type TERRAIN_IS_1
ZONE Surface area lies (partly) within a specific Zone Zone ID ZONE_IS_25


TQL clauses currently support one Operator:

Operator Description Example

Simulation Type

Depending on the Simulation Type, the map parameter is named as follows in the Query Tool:



During a project session in the Tygron Engine, constructions transform from one phase into another. For example; from being planned, to being permitted, to being constructed, to being ready. The currently available states are:

State Explanation
CONSTRUCTING Construction is being constructed.
CONSTRUCTION_APPROVED Construction is approved.
CONSTRUCTION_DENIED Construction is denied.
DEMOLISH_APPROVED Demolition is approved.
DEMOLISH_DENIED Demolition is denied.
DEMOLITION_FINISHED Demolition is finished.
DEMOLISHING Construction is being demolished.
NOTHING Construction does not exist.
PENDING_CONSTRUCTION Construction is waiting for the date to be constructed.
PENDING_DEMOLISHING Construction is waiting for the date to be demolished.
PENDING_UPGRADE Construction is waiting for the date to be upgraded.
READY Construction is done constructing.
REQUEST_CONSTRUCTION_APPROVAL Request is send to ask construction approval.
REQUEST_DEMOLISH_APPROVAL Request is send to ask demolition approval.
REQUEST_ZONING_APPROVAL Request is send to ask zoning approval.
WAITING_FOR_DATE Waiting to receive a date on which to start construction.
WAITING_FOR_DEMOLISH_DATE Waiting to receive a date on which to start demolition.

Query Construction

In order to make it easier to construct queries, a tool has been developed to create queries in the editor, which can then be copied and used elsewhere. This tool is known as the Query Tool and more information can be found on its own page.

TQL Uses

TQL is currently used to communicate with Microsoft Excel, using the Excel Indicator.